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« February 2025 »

Resources and Mobility

Material Resources

Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIT) offers doctoral programs, its entire infrastructure related to bibliographic and documentary resources existing in its library; fundamental tools for proper development in research training of students.
Additionally, the research groups that support the program, have the following resources and administrative services:

  1. Space research laboratories with adequate equipment for the development of necessary research work.
  2. Support research groups (several recognized by UPM) which results in both material resources and knowledge.
  3. Bibliographic and varied documentation available in the various research groups of the department.
  4. Support workshops and additional services for the installation and maintenance of equipment related to research groups.

Furthermore, in the Department of Electrical Engineering there are resources like classrooms for teaching and laboratories:

  1. In relation to the classroom, there are 4 classrooms with capacity of up to 30 students with computers and projection equipment.
  2. Regarding laboratories, it has a laboratory for up to 40 students with coaches plates and measuring equipment, computers and design software. Additionally, it has 3 labs for up to 50 students with characterization and measurement equipment, computers and design software.


All material and services available for the development of this Doctoral Program, observing criteria for universal accessibility and design for all, in accordance with Law 51/2003, of December 2, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal access for people with disabilities.

Mobility Resources

The UPM has a grants program to fund research stays at centers of excellence. Additionally, in each of the research lines considered in the program, and considering the financial support of the active projects in each of the lines, it is possible to devote part of the travel budget to finance such projects stays of students.

The University, through the Office of International Relationships, maintains a permanent information system on the web: http://www.upm.es/rinternacional/, complemented by campaigns and promotional activities of the different calls. At the beginning of each semester, there are implemented dissemination activities at various centers aimed at informing and encouraging mobility of students themselves.

It has exchange agreements and arrangements with Spanish Universities, European and third countries through general agreements (ILL Program / Erasmus exchanges) and bilateral agreements.

The Department of Electronic Engineering, department including most of the teachers of this PhD program, has a long tradition of mobility of students and researchers (over 90% of students have access to mobility aids or assists stays international conferences), as evidenced by participation in numerous joint projects and grants obtained in competitive call of mobility. Efforts will be made to give it an international, seeking contact with other research groups in different international centers, and encouraging stays during the doctoral studies. Stays of students whose main objective it to obtain the mention of international doctorate.

To do this, we have had systematically cooperation and participation of teachers from other Spanish or foreign universities. This funding has been supported with research projects, obtained on a competitive basis, of different types (international or national, public and private), of which the teachers of the doctoral program were principal investigators. On the other hand, students stays have been paid by the additional provisions of their scholarship (Ministry, Regional Government, or the university), or by such research projects and contracts.

Teachers also offers theirs relations with various centers of teaching and research to facilitate these research stays.

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