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« March 2025 »

Guarantee System Program Quality

The DISE programs follows the quality procedures of the ETIST-UPM.

The design of the quality procedures has been approved by ANECA in the AUDIT program, with UCR certificate No. 127/10, issued on 25-10-2010.

As regards the PhD Programs, the processes corresponding to the quality assurance procedures defined for the center are implemented in a personalized manner:

  1. Existence of a body, unit or person responsible for the quality assurance system of the Program:
  2. Existence of mechanisms to obtain information on the development of the PhD program, on mobility, and its results:
  3. Existence of mechanisms to ensure that the information being collected is analyzed, that decisions related to the development and results of the program are taken and that derivative actions are implemented.
  4. Existence of mechanisms for the publication of information on the program, its development and results, and suspension of programme procedures.


The DISE quality committee, which works closely with the quality commettee of the ETSIT-UPM, is represented by:

  1. Adrián Hierro Cano. Deputy director for quality systems.
  2. Rubén San Segundo. Teaching Subdirector and faculty representative.
  3. Giorgos Kontaxakis. Secretary of the Department.
  4. Mariano González Bedmar. Administrative Secretary and PAS representative.
  5. Francisco Tirado Andrés. Students representative.
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