Andres Santos
Full Professor
(Catedrático de Universidad)
Politécnica de Madrid
Telecomunicación - Office C-227
Ingeniería Electrónica
Av. Complutense 30
Madrid E-28040
andres at |
+34 91 06 72228
Andres Santos was born in Valencia
(Spain) in 1958.
He received a title in Telecommunication Engineering and a PhD title from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid).
Since 1985 he is working in the Electronic
Engineering Department, where he is currently Full Professor.
Research activities:
- My research is oriented to finding technological solutions
to actual clinical or biological relevant problems, especially with the
aim of providing early diagnosis or therapy monitoring. The main
contributions have been in the field of acquisition and analysis of
biomedical images, always emphasizing the testing and validation of the
proposed solutions with clinical teams. Some results have been the
proposal and validation of tools based on the registration of cardiac
image sequences to aid in the early diagnosis of cardiovascular
diseases, tools to localize epileptic focus in epilepsy surgery
planning, systems to aid in intraoperative radiotherapy planning, to
aid in the processing of diffusion MRI and in contrast-enhanced MRI.
- Director of the research group: Biomedical
Image Technology (BIT).
- See also:
Other activities: